Artificial intelligence in the practice of monitoring worker exhaustion
Abstract/Resumen/Résumé: Artificial intelligence is being applied in Brazil to meet the most varied personal interests of its owners in a legal environment lacking a legal framework, national policy or specific law to outline the guiding values and principles of the development, implementation and governance of this technology. The object of this study is delimited to the interdisciplinary impact on law, especially with regard to workers’ rights to reduce the risks inherent to work, in addition to others aimed at improving their social condition, caused by the development and implementation of information systems or computational artificial intelligence in health, in a context where there is not a good AI governance strategy. The objective is to analyze the ethics of the digital measurement of worker exhaustion, using a deductive approach, with research of relevant scientific texts and review of the literature on the subject.
Keywords/Palabras-claves/Mots-clés: Government regulation, Ethics, Artificial intelligence.
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Anais VIII Congresso da FEPODI. Direito e Novas Tecnologias. São Paulo 2021, p. 5-10, ISBN 978-65-5648-262-0
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